Can't believe after two years of hiatus from the blogging arena, I'm back again ! hahaha. Ok, I'm exaggerating. I'm not even an active blogger before this. I just happened to have this blog because of Prof Jaya ! He made me (and the rest of my classmates) to create this site and commanded us to post our "masterpiece" which we produced during his class. I read them before posting this and I can say that I am quite a creative writer ! * wekkkkkkkkk * Nope. not at all. Just to make myself feel better wiwiwiwi and reminiscing the good , dope days when I was in UPM hehe.
BTW, I found the urge to write again *virtually* after I talked to my pal Iqram with the Q. He said that we can make money via blogging. He explained about the amazon or something and I'm kind of interested. Actually I love to bebel here on blog, should have done this long time ago and write about my experiences, memories and etc because sometimes we tend to forget what happen in our life and blog helps to keep those precious moments. Sadly so many things have passed, and there are too many things to write if I am to track them. I blame my laziness for this matter huahuahua. My fault people, not others. So maybe, just maybe, from today onward I shall be more active by posting lots and lots of entries *fingers crossed*
Today is the final day of my 2016 Chinese New Year holidays *sigh*. Works are waiting for me tomorrow and until I retire ! TTT___TTT pray for me ok ! Till then, gotta have my late lunch now. Bye !