Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Horror Story

Write a frightening story beginning with:
            The dead tree branches cracked as I hastily walked in the dark woods...
Now that I came to my conscience, I think it was a bad idea to go to Grandma’s house through the old road. There was an event in town that night and all the main roads were congested with all sorts of vehicles. Therefore, I decided to use the old road. On my way there, my car suddenly running out of gas! I lose control and I fell down into the cliff. The night was very dark, not even a moonlit shone my way. I got out of my car and started walking to find the way back.
            As I was walking, I saw an old mansion right in front of my eyes. I thought maybe I could ask for food and shelter before I continued my journey in the daylight. I tried knocking, three times in fact, but nobody answered. Then, I turned the door knob and it was not locked! Without thinking, I rushed into the mansion because it started to rain at that time. It was really huge, dusty and somehow creepy to me. Slowly, I walked to the fireplace and saw some skulls were hung on it. I felt uneasy and wanted to get out of the house. I ran as fast as I could to the door, but then I fell down into a hole. I think I passed out for a few minutes. When I opened my eyes, I was covered with dust and wood crumbs. There, about 5 meters away from me, was a giant glass jar filled with a girl of about middle 20s of age. Her eyes were closed and she was surrounded with light green liquid. And also, there were wires everywhere around her body.
            Then, I saw a fridge by the glass jar. I rushed to open it, hoping that there will be some food. But to my horror, it was full with human organs! You name it – lungs, intestines, eyes, hearts, kidneys... I felt dizzy and wanted to throw up. There was a board there, written on it was, “Plan to Make Anna Lives”. There were bullet points under the big title and one of it was “to kill as many people and attached it to Anna”. 
            As I was reading the rest of the plan, the door was pushed by someone. I was so startled and immediately froze at the spot where I was standing. A man came to me, with a bat in his hand. In a second, I can feel a hard and fast knocked behind my head. I passed out for the second time. When I woke up, there was a light above me. My mouth was plastered; my hands and legs were tied. The man looked at me and said, “You are one unlucky human to bump into me! I must kill you to save my Anna!!!!” I can’t say anything and tears started to fill my eyes. He rose up an axe towards my neck. I closed my eyes and screamed inside my heart, prayed very hard that a miracle will happen. After that, I blacked out and that was the last thing that I managed to remember.

            Suddenly, I heard somebody was calling my name. I opened my eyes and thank God, I was still alive! According to my father, there was a bunch of four men saw me fell down into the cliff and they tried to rescue me. They followed me all the way to the mansion and I was not aware at all about their presence. When the mysterious man tried to chop me with the axe, they captured him and punched him hard and tied him with ropes. Then, they called the police and ambulance and reported everything. The mysterious man was actually a doctor. He tried to rescue his wife whom died from cancer. He became insane, killed people and went after their internal organs to make his wife alive again. It was a very gawry experience that I have ever had and from that day, I swore that I will never ever use that old road anymore. 

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